
My Fitness Journey


It all started when...

I found yoga in college. I was in desperate need of  peace in the chaos. From that first college yoga gym class. to the launch of Hot Prana Sculpt Yoga, it has been a journey of the mind, heart, and soul; one that was filled with blood, sweat, and a great deal of tears.  I was introduced to cycle by a fellow yoga teacher and haven't stopped cycling since. The thrill of the climb and the freedom of the downhill breath life into my soul. After having children I found it harder and harder to make time for myself and found that without something holding me accountable I wouldn't take the time I needed to do something for myself. I found racing. I did my first 31mile bike race after baby #1, my second half marathon after baby #2, and my first triathlon after baby #3. Now after baby #4 I am ready to give back. To all the Mama’s out there struggling through the fourth trimester and beyond I am here for you. no matter the struggle; diet and nutrition, physical exercise, hormonal issues, or just an ear to listen, I am here for you. I am a Registered Nurse masters trained in Complementary and Integrative Therapies specialized in women’s health.

Take the leap, find your happy, and you will open your physical and mental being to endless possibility.