Clutter and the Absurd Attachment We Have to It:
Clutter: You know the drill….You get overwhelmed (well at least I do), with the insane amount of stuff you seem to accumulate. [It’s exemplified with children]. There is stuff everywhere; all the time. No matter the size of your house, or the swearing off of excessive purchasing. It doesn’t matter Things still seem to pile up. And once that tipping point is reached---something (or someone, ha) must go.
Great! So now you’ve decided it’s time to sort through the piles of nonsense and determine what goes to Goodwill, what goes to consignment, what can be shared among friends, and maybe what goes straight to the dump? Likely, you start out thinking it is going to be so many bags that you may need to make multiple trips. But you go through things, re-organize what you have, and justify why you must actually keep most of what you thought needed to go. Next step: bag it.
Deep breath, major work is done. But then there that bag sits, for weeks, just waiting for its next destination. You pass it by, maybe you hide it in a closet, maybe you make it to the next phase of clutter removal and actually get the bag to the car. But yet again, there it sits for weeks on end until it finally is sent on its way.
Gang, why are we so attached to this clutter? Why is it so hard to get rid of? Perhaps it holds an emotional attachment, maybe it’s an obligatory keepsake, maybe it’s a reminder of what you once were – good or bad. Whatever the reason, we are all guilty of holding on to things that must be let go.
So is true in all aspects of life. There is no way to experience life fully if you are overloaded with clutter…..Mental, physical, or emotional.
I’m curious how you clear the clutter?
Need help freeing the clutter or taking the first steps? PM for your free private consultation. I’d be honored to help you.
In Light and Life Loves!