Okay- So no one wants to smell like they are coming from the 15th century but today’s deodorants aren’t doing us any favors. And I’ve been down the road of ‘natural’ deodorants that leave me smelling a little too natural. So I totally get the hesitation. But, here’s the deal - we are overwhelming our body with toxic chemicals. Babies are being born with exorbitant toxic loads in their system. Strange autoimmune diseases are raging out of control. And something as simple as detoxing from your commercial deodorant can make a big difference. I will say that research is all over the place on this topic and it generally sways to one side or the other depending on the sponsor of the study. However, science does recognize the heavy chemical load we are all carrying these days and acknowledges that it’s not good for anyone.
So hopefully I have convinced you enough that you are still reading the article. First, let’s talk about the ingredients in most commercial deodorants.
Aluminum - it can clog the sweat glands and is absorbed into the body through the sweat glands. Aluminum may have estrogen-like hormonal effects when absorbed into the body. Studies suggest a correlation between the continuous (daily) use of aluminum-containing deodorants and breast cancer.
Parabens - these are the methyls, ethyls, benzyls, butyls, and propyls. All of which contain hormone disruptors that have also been linked to breast cancer.
Fragrance - depending on what chemicals are used, it increases the toxic load, is a skin irritant, and can be harmful to the environment during the manufacturing process.
Triclosan - It is a disinfectant that kills odor-causing bacteria that live in your pits. Not only can it irritate your skin so badly it can cause contact dermatitis, but it is also an endocrine disruptor that may mess with your entire system causing developmental, reproductive, brain, and immune issues just to name a few.
So, making the switch sounds like a good thing to do? Possibly. Here’s the thing - like any detox, it’s going to suck for a minute or two. (I’d suggest not switching in the middle of August on the East Coast). You are likely going to stink. And like hardcore smell pretty ripe. And here’s why - the continuous daily use of conventional chemical deodorants actually changes the natural microbiome of the pit. Yep - just like every other area of the body there are bugs up in there and they can shift out of balance and essentially you make even more stinky bacteria so then you need more deodorant and so you see the cycle. Hang in there for a rough week or two while your body adjusts and I promise it gets better. On that note here’s something else to keep in mind - what you eat will affect the way you smell as well. Have you ever gone garlic happy for dinner and then done hot yoga the next day? It’s a doozy. (Lay off the cheese curls too, they aren’t helping your smell either).
Simple detox to start:
1tsp. Raw ACV
1Tbsp bentonite clay
1tsp water
mix to create a thick paste. apply to armpits. let sit for about 3 mins.
(you can let it sit longer, may not be as tolerable at the beginning)
shower and rinse armpits clean
Some people find after the detox they no longer have the need for any sort of odor or moisture absorbent. If you would like something, be super picky. Read the label and whatever you do - don’t go back to the conventional name brand toxic bar or spray.
in light and life friends.
disclaimer: the first time or two you may notice a bit of redness. remember you are detoxing your skin from a ton of chemical this is normal. it should not hurt or cause a contact dermatitis if this is the case see your MD and discontinue use.