Reiki (Abstract)

“It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.” -Albert Einstein

As Albert Einstein explained mass and energy are interrelated and interchangeable. He postulated that much like the universe humans are composed of atoms (energy) that could be measure and manipulated. We see this technology at work today in medical practice; examples include MRI, X-ray, cardiac pacemakers, and bio stimulators. Einstein went on to theorize that perception based on where a person is in time and space changes their reality. If as Einstein theorized, energy and matter are interchangeable (E=mc2), as well as perceived reality, it serves to provide validation for bioenergy healing therapy. The practice of bioenergy healing can prove more difficult to explain what is occurring as compared to an MRI for example; it lends itself to subjective evidence at best in many studies. The field of bioenergy is growing as the scientific research and technology available to measure and prove what is occurring within the body advances. The difficulty in studying such practices is again the subjectivity of reports and the difficulty in replication of results as individual experience will likely vary. Despite these academic difficulties, bioenergy practices are gaining popularity in a variety of settings and practices. Bioenergy therapy can be delivered in many forms with the end result being that which manipulation of the patient’s energy flow serves to improve their health. This review will focus on Reiki Healing Therapy to reduce or eliminate feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, in a variety of settings and circumstances to improve the patient’s overall health and wellbeing.   

Copywrite @kristinewood/naptownholistichealth 2021