I’ll start this with the disclaimer: I know that there is more to life than social media and that I can’t gauge my life on what I see there — and probably shouldn’t waste my time with it at all but let’s be real, we all do.
My newsfeed today was filled with all things makeup. People putting on makeup. Using stock photos to show why their product is better than another. Big corporations showing how to easily apply their product. All different products. Different people. Different companies. Targeted to me. I am the target demographic. The busy mom that has no time most days to worry with makeup but looks in the mirror while she’s going to the bathroom- the bathroom that is filled with two kids, two dogs, and someone’s stinky tennis shoes left from last nights bath extravaganza. Me- I am the target audience for their awesome makeup. Ugh.
Know what they all have in common? They all say use this product and you’ll look better. Use this product to fix your skin tone. This one to make your eyes more alluring. Use this one at your jawline to appear thinner with higher cheekbones. Use this product to fix you. Know what else? Not one of them says YOU are beautiful. You. Just you. No makeup needed. The you that is looking back at you surrounded by all the things that make you beautiful every single day. You are perfect—this stuff, this stuff it’s just fun play. But you don’t need it to be beautiful. Not one of the posts says so.
It’s so fun to play with makeup. A different shade of lipstick depending on the mood of the day. The damn zit that comes with Aunt Flow; yeah a little blemish cover-up feels great. Not saying don’t wear makeup. Just saying maybe the ads should focus on what’s right with you. Enhance your natural beauty. Or hey gorgeous— if you want to play today try this combination. Otherwise, it makes for a photoshopped unrealistic nearly unattainable face that will likely come off on your sweater. And, for that mom stuck on the toilet until her butt is numb because now her little’s want her to read a story while she’s sitting there (yes this has happened to me more than once), it saves her the feelings of yuck when she looks at herself in the mirror because she is so far off from what she ‘should be', from what social media, email ads and pretty much everywhere tells her to be. But seriously though. Let’s build one another up. Recognize the natural beauty in all of us. Enough with the makeup ads that say you’re not good enough just the way you are.
I’d love to continue this conversation. Leave some love below. Let me know your thoughts.
In Light and Life!
(ps I have no rights to this image found it on google images — no copyrights listed so please be kind).