Day 1:
School Supplies:
The list of things your youngster needs for back to school is nearly a mile long! And so damn specific. O, the stress of standing in the aisle looking for a yellow folder with prongs and pockets. Why does it have to be yellow when there is every other folder color under the sun on the store shelf, but yellow. Wait a yellow one....Quick, the three other panicked mom's have also spotted it. Like the lioness on the prowl desperate to feed our young, ready to pounce. Someone makes the move! And! The yellow folder doesn't have prongs. WFT! Seriously, does the store not read the supply list? is there someone sitting at the security desk watching us laughing hysterically? Ugh. the aggravation. Then as we are about to give up ( cue the orchestral encore ) someones kid runs up and find the yellow pronged folder with pockets! Bam, one for every mom. High fives all around....And on to item #2, 2 red checking pens...They only came in a three pack.........
So mom's, ( and dad's) where is your go to spot for getting the supplies needed? I went to Target this year b/c we are new to the school and just got our list last week. I did hear about a mailing service that you can purchase supplies through at the end of the prior school year. That's a pretty cool option except price...are the running a convince monopoly? Just a thought.
Okay. so we have supplies; now we need something to put them in.
What's the cool backpack this year? Is is cutesy pottery barn with the matching lunch box (please let it be cutesy with matching lunch box or I'm out about 50 smackers!)! Is it vintage JanSport...Do they still make those super large back herniating L.L.Bean backpacks? Is it themed style? What's your kiddo's backpack and lunch bag style?
Leave some love below...See 'ya tomorrow.