Day 7
The Big Guy goes back to school
A slightly sentimental and real blog today--
Today, I want to talk about those of us who are just a little past college-aged but are going back to school. Maybe it is for the first time since high school. Maybe you have some college done but life got in the way and now finally you can go back. Maybe it's a masters or doctoral degree. Maybe it's a certification or other job required training. Whatever the case, chances are you are squeezing studying in where ever you can -- like literally where ever you can. 5 mins here and there. Then a crash course once the kids are in bed.
The dynamic of'adult learning is so different than traditional college life. Instead of wings beer and boobs..It's real life - spouces, kids, work, some vague sense of self-identity.
So today as I welcome my husband (so proud of you TMD!!!) into the world of adult learning recognizing this is a new journey for us -- I want to ask you guys how do you make it work? How do you find a balance?
What I am trying to implement is keeping life as close to the norm. Keeping date nights, gym time, dinners as a family, and quiet times for him to study without interruptions.
The other piece of the puzzle is Teamwork! There are two of us to make this family work. And the two of us will get through this new adventure together!
Best of luck to all of you out there taking the reigns and rocking it! You are my hero!
You've got this!
In Light and Life Friends.....