I seriously love bread, nearly as much as I love dark chocolate. This GF, DF, Yeast Free, Vegan, Paleo Bread has quickly become one of my favorite., Crunchy on the outside a chewy on the inside. This one hits all the high notes and more.
Read moreA Holiday In Motion
So this article found its way into my mailbox this week. As tomorrow marks year four without my best friend, my mother, my grandmother, perhaps it was divine intervention that led it there? It was an article speaking of Surviving the Holidays While Grieving. (Elephant Journal) Particularly in this holiday season when we are bombarded with holiday “joy” it can be overwhelming and create a great deal of angst in those of us who have suffered a loss or trauma during this time of year.
Read moreBROWNIES!!!
It's no secret I have a huge sweet tooth. Well at least to soft gooey chocolate treats.
Read moreClutter and the Absurd Attachment We Have to It
This is a great complementary article...think about it friends. New Year New You!
In light and life!
Clutter: You know the drill….You get overwhelmed (well at least I do), with the insane amount of stuff you seem to accumulate. [It’s exemplified with children]. There is stuff everywhere; all the time. No matter the size of your house, or the swearing off of excessive purchasing. It doesn’t matter Things still seem to pile up. And once that tipping point is reached---something (or someone, ha) must go.
Read moreThai Green Soup Recipe
The most perfect way to detox from the holidays!
(photo from; https://www.jesselanewellness.com/recipes/thai-green-soup/ please stop over and browse through the site. tons of info on how to live life healthy. )
Read moreI've got a challenge for you--up for it?
Are you a self-disciplined, Type-A, intense, headstrong, over achiever. An independent, self-made, endlessly maxed out busy person? Never able to fully relax. And certainly not able to say no? Then this one is for you my kindred soul.
Read moreA Nursing Mother's Nutrition Plan
You’ve waited 9 months for this incredible bundle of joy to arrive. You happily don your maternity stretch pants and comfy shoes. Proud to be busting at the seams. And then the day comes. Your bundle arrives and sure your rocking the maternity pants home from the hospital but let’s be real…there’s so much going on down there skinny jeans….just leave it alone. But then here you are three weeks out…Hungry all the time. Something dripping form somewhere more than any ‘what to expect’ manual could prepare you for…and the skinny jeans, yep still don’t fit. Hell nothing fits. You’re still rocking the maternity clothes. And if one more person asks you when you’re due you may have to punch them and blame it on the hormones.
Read moreAll Hail The Pumpkin and Three Ingredient Pumpkin Bread
photo @thebigmansworld.com
Seriously, our obsession with pumpkin is a little more than basic. And like with most good things we've altered, sweetened, and modified it, to a barely recognizable state. But this fall harvest fruit (though some would consider it a vegetable) in it's un-spiced latte form packs a mean punch of vitamins and fiber, and is low in sugar, and calories; essentially the opposite of it's evil twin the spiced latte. Loaded with vitamins A, C, and E, riboflavin, potassium, copper, magnesium, thiamin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, and iron.
Read moreWhy You Need to Be Counting Macros Not Calories
We all know the drill : those 2 week bootcamps that guarantee results and sure enough you lose a few pounds. You’re skinny jeans fit and bam life is good. That was money well spent......
Read moreBack To School Prep 101 Day 7
Day 7
The Big Guy goes back to school
The dynamic of'adult learning is so different than traditional college life. instead of wings beer and boobs..It's real life - spouces, kids, work, some vague sense of self-identity.
Read moreSunday Morning Breakfast On A Monday
It's a rainy Monday. You're dragging. You just want something warm and homemade. But let's be real: you've got about 15mins to prep, cook, and pack it to go. All the while dragging the kiddos out of bed begging them to put clothes on and brush teeth. What's the fix? Sunday morning breakfast on Monday! I'm talking Betty Crocker style. Yes! Yes you can. Try this quick hack and bam! You've a got gluten free, ACD approved, healthy, homemade breakfast in less time than it takes your monkeys to put their shoes on! No measuring cups needed. Enjoy my friends.
Give it a try and leave a comment below, let me know what you think!
Read moreBack To School Prep 101 Day 4,5,6!
it's never easy to figure out want to feed our littles. Something that is healthy, that's going to sustain them until the next meal, fuel them in body and mind, and something that they actually like.
That's no small task. Clear throat. Step into super hero gear. Proud chest. Charge ahead.
Read moreBack To school Prep 101 Day 3
With two self proclaimed fashionistas- my world is an endless fashion show. Multiple outfit changes, laundry baskets over flowing, proclamations of the appropriate pairings or for that matter inappropriate pairings of clothing items. Great detail and concern over the right texture and fit. With two little girls dressing in the morning is not easy but thats nothing compared to the death defying trick of taking them clothes shopping.
Read moreBack To School Prep 101 Day 2
We know the drill. The kids run in from school ravenous as a new born babe. You scramble to pull something together quick before you rush out the door to multiple practices and other after school actives. Here's a few snack ideas you can prep ahead of time to grab 'n go. Have the kids help make them the night before for a fun way to get the whole family involved.
Read moreBack To School Prep 101 Day 1
School Supplies:
The list of things your youngster needs for back to school is nearly a mile long! And so damn specific. O, the stress of standing in the aisle looking for a yellow folder with prongs and pockets. Why does it have to be yellow when there is every other folder color under the sun on the store shelf, but yellow.
Read moreBack To School Prep 101
2 weeks until school starts for many of us. The stress of the crazy morning routine and the frenzy of after school activities is overwhelming. Not to mention the nutritious breakfast, un-boaring lunches, quick and easy dinners, and.......drumroll please......HOMEWORK!
No worries my friends- gotcha covered on this one. Log on or Tune In each day for your daily dose of hacks and helpful hints of all us busy bustling mamas!
Read moreVegan Chocolate Banana Nut Bread (V + GF)
Gang I found this amazing recipe from Beaming Baker. This super moist and decadent bread is incredible. Both vegan and gluten free, it lends itself to many variations and pairs well making it a great stand alone snack or addition to any meal. I altered it a little changing fro walnuts to almonds and using honey instead of maple syrup---still just as delish! Enjoy. Snap a photo and post it below!
Read moreWarrior 2
Virabhadra rooted deep in Hindu mythology representing a fierce but humble warrior.